
Shiny’s grid layout or how to arrange elements side-by-side

The R Shiny framework provides various layout systems to create responsive and flexible user interfaces. One of the most popular layout systems is the grid layout system. In this article, we will discuss the R Shiny grid layout system in detail and provide code examples to demonstrate how it works. What is the grid layout […]

Shiny’s grid layout or how to arrange elements side-by-side Read More »

Creating Interactive Menus with shinydashboard::menuItem in R Shiny

shinydashboard is a popular R package that provides a framework for creating interactive dashboards in Shiny applications. One of the key elements of shinydashboard is the menuItem function, which allows you to create interactive menu items that can be used to navigate between different sections or pages of your dashboard. In this article, we will

Creating Interactive Menus with shinydashboard::menuItem in R Shiny Read More »